Home Hello World!

Hello World!

Hello World!

Welcome to my new website and first blog post! I’ve been wanting to start my own blog for a while now, but I have only just gained the courage to do so. My plan for these blog posts is to write about a new topic that I find interesting - this could be in the world of computer programming, computer hardware or something completely random (you’ll just have to wait and see). I also want to discuss any personal projects that I have on the go, as I absolutely love learning new things and would like to share that knowledge with as many of you as I can. I’m open to constructive feedback and I’m currently working on fixing the comments section of the blog so this will be even easier in the future!

There currently isn’t a strict schedule for updating the blog due to other commitments, I also see the blog as something I want to do rather than something I have to do. I don’t think forcing myself to write on certain topics is a good idea either, so I’ll only be writing about things I have true interest in - I welcome any suggestions though.

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